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Veteran Reviewer Steven Stone Joins Staff of AudiophileReview.com as Editor

Steven Stone has been a writer for many highly respected publications in the audiophile world. Now, he signs on to be the editor of Audiophile review. He has more than enough credentials to justify the position.

Steven-Stone-Image-alt.jpgVeteran audiophile reviewer and music enthusiasts, Steven Stone, has signed on to be editor of the soon-to-launch AudiophileReview.com website. AudiophileReview.com will be the latest consumer electronics website in a growing group of sites under the umbrella of Luxury Publishing Group Inc.
Steven is exactly the right guy to help launch this project. Our whole family of editorial staff are audiophiles at heart. This new publication aims to ultimately be the Huffington Post of audiophilia with varied and fearless opinions on the hobby, business and passion known as audiophilia. Steven has the review chops, insights and vision to compel the audiophile audience in ways we don’t think other publications do in the market today.
Steven’s posts will start in Mid-December 2010 with more coming on a daily basis as the publication launches at the start of 2011.
Steven Stone has written for or currently writes for publications including The Absolute Sound, Vintage Guitar Magazine, UlimateAV.com, Stereophile and others. Stone holds a BS in Journalism from Boston University.