Friday’s Album Review – Rodney Crowell
Steven Stone looks at two of Rodney Crowell’s best albums – the 2001 release, The Houston Kid and 1988’s Diamonds and Dirt. Which one is better? That’s like comparing peach pie with chicken gumbo – they’re both part of the same musical feast..
A “Good” Review
What is a good review? It means different things depending on who you are and what your relationship to the product under review might be. Steven Stone believes that good review should be about information…
Are You Insured?
Look at all that gear! It’s insured, right? And what exactly is it insured for? Theft? Fire? Flood? And are you covered for the current value of ALL your gear? If your response is any of these questions is “I don’t know,” you need to do some homework…
My Five Rules for EBAY
Should you or should not make a bid on that oh so tempting amp or that built-like-a-tank CD player listed on EBAY? That is the big bucks’ question. Steven Stone offers his five personal rules to help keep him out of trouble on EBAY and Audiogon…
Bob Carver is Back
The old joke goes like this – a guy has a job working in the circus cleaning up after the elephants. His brother-in-law offers him a job working nights cleaning up at a bank for twice the money, but he turns down the job. by saying, “What? and give up show business?”
The History of High End Audio
This in-depth record of the birth of audiophilia charts the history of the hobby from its World War II roots to the emergence of transistors to the rise of turntables and beyond, and recounts the names that innovated to bring audiophilia to where it is today.
Mastering – The Final Frontier
Does your CD copy of The Red Hot Chili Peppers new release sound different than the LP release? According to the guys who mastered it, the two versions SHOULD sound different because they were mastered differently…