Audiophile Music

Music is the fuel for the race car, and all audio enthusiasts need new records, albums, downloads and other musical goodies to make their systems sing. Audiophile Music includes music on Compact Disc, SACD, Blu-ray, Vinyl, Download, HD Music Download and beyond. Some audiophiles even have copies of analog master tapes for their systems.


On this page, find insightful posts on the day’s most relevant topics when it comes to Audiophile Music.

Charles Sawtelle, Music from Rancho DeVille

Audiophile Music

Some albums get better with time. Charles Sawtelle’s Music From Rancho Deville ranks as one of the most essential and important bluegrass albums of the decade. It also sounds wonderful…

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Two Sierra Records Gems

Audiophile Music

"Historical Recordings" by their very nature are usually not audiophile sound spectaculars. These two Sierra Recordings are no exception....

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Nickel Creek’s 1st Release – Nickel Creek – Sugar Hill records

Audiophile Music

Steven Stone has been writing music reviews for Vintage Guitar Magazine since the mid '90's. As a regular Friday feature he will revisit...

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Rip, Then Sell Your CDs?

Audiophile Music

Since I began ripping CDs into my computer’s music library I rarely use the original CDs. Wouldn’t it be great if I could just sell ’em? Sure, as long as you don’t mind risking a hefty fine or worse. Read how CDs have become your legal defacto receipt for digital copy rights.

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Record Sales Are Up 39% For The year

Audiophile Music

Although U.S. record sales are up 30%, it still does not bode well for the home team. Don't expect a rash of new audiophile releases from...

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The Deadly Gentlemen at the Salina Schoolhouse

Audiophile Music

Here's a tale of a schoolhouse, an acoustic group, and a pair of microphones. Steven Stone treks into the wilds of Colorado (Ok, it's only...

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The Deadly Gentlemen at the Salina Schoolhouse

Audiophile Music

Here’s a tale of a schoolhouse, an acoustic group, and a pair of microphones. Steven Stone treks into the wilds of Colorado (Ok, it’s only two miles from his house) to make a field recording of an exciting new acoustic group that plays a unique kind of modern music.

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I’m Off to Summer Camp – See Ya in a Couple a Days

Audiophile Music Blogger and music lover, Steven Stone, is going to summer camp at the Rocky Grass Academy. He will work on his musical...

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A Weekend with Spotify

Audiophile Music

Spotify is a music service that has been available in Europe for some time but is just now making its way to the United States. How does...

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HD Tracks Connects With Warner Music

Audiophile Music • One Comment

HD Tracks just got a pretty good get for their library of music. Warner Music and HD Tracks are now partners in bringing audiophile music to the masses, which is great because Warner has a rather large and impressive library.

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Six High-Def Music Blu-ray Discs From AIX and 2L

Audiophile Music

AIX and 2L are two companies that offer high-definition music. Six releases, three from each, are examined in this article which is the...

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Live Streaming! Hooray! Boo!

Audiophile Music

When Steven Stone found out he would be able to listen to performances from the 2011 Telluride Festival streaming over the internet in...

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Festival Link – Downloads for Lovers of Live Music

Audiophile Music

If you are a user of HD Tracks, and a great many audiophiles are, you will most certainly appreciate another download site: Festival Link, which provides recordings of live music. Read more about the details of the service here.

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How Dare You Call Me a Thief?

Audiophile Music

Apple's iCloud has received a lot of press, as has the iMatch music matching service that will be offered for the company's new service. ...

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iCloud or iFog?

Audiophile Music

Apple's iCloud seemed like it could have been a revolution in the audiophile world, which it may yet still become, but, in its current...

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The National Jukebox – Uncle Sam Gets a New Gig

Audiophile Music

The Library of Congress has always been about preserving our past. Now they are turning to preserving musical recordings from the past. And making them available through a cloud-based system. Pretty cool stuff.

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The Collection You Own but May Never Hear…

Audiophile Music

The Library of Congress has thousand upon thousands of music recording, which American taxpayers own, but copyrights may keep these owners...

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Recording “The Planets”

Audiophile Music

Steven Stone set up inside the Macky Auditorium to listen to and record the Boulder Philharmonic and The Ars Nova Singers perform "The...

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What Ever Happened to the Audiophile? I know! I know! Pick Me! Pick Me!

Audiophile Music

Steven Stone responds to an article that wonders what happened to the audiophile. According to this rebuttal, that question is the wrong question to be asking when addressing modern audiophilia.

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Wanna Be a Patron? Join Kickstarter

Audiophile Music

Music lovers are people that like to support music and the artists that produce it, some may even harbor the idea of being a patron. With...

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