Written by 3:57 pm Audiophile Music

Wanna Be a Patron? Join Kickstarter

Music lovers are people that like to support music and the artists that produce it, some may even harbor the idea of being a patron. With the new website Kickstarter, anyone can be a patron. And it is cheap and easy!


Through Matt The Electrician, who I’m glad to say is one of my Facebook friends, I recently discovered a site that puts artists, musicians, filmmakers, journalists, and scholars with projects in need of funding together with people to fund their projects.

The idea is simple, Kickstarter lets folks with projects describe their projects and then anyone who logs onto the site can donate money to the project. Matt The Electrician is working on a new album. He needs about $18,000 for the whole project but he’s only asking for $8k, which are his studio expenses. So far he’s gotten $18,400!

A project that recently closed was a recording project from Anthony Wilson. He’s planning on using instruments made by John Monteleone to record a new composition by Anthony Wilson  called “The Four Seasons.” The priemere performance will be at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in NYC on April 10th, 2011, as part of Met’s “Guitar Heroes” exhibition, which opens on February 9 and features the lutherie of John Monteleone, James D’Aquisto and John D’Angelico.

Upcomming projects that audiophiles might want to get involved with include a recording project from Canto De La Monarca, which will involve commissioning new music in the form of short solo piano compositions from 17 composers and recording them.

Another recording project is “Pogo Presents a World Remix: Tibet by Nick Bertke” According to BGerke, “The goal of my project is to travel the world capturing sights, sounds, voices and chords, and use them to compose and shoot a track and video for each major culture of the world. It will be funded solely by you the listener, and will be released worldwide on CD, DVD, and on my website PogoMix.net. ”  

Vinyl Afficiandos will want to check out Mr. and Mrs. Muffin on Vinyl.  Their description of the project is, “the reason why we started this kickstarter page, is to release our first all-music album, The Raindrop Dance and Other Songs About Love, on vinyl. No, you didn’t just time-warp to the ’70s. And yes, we said VINYL!.”

These are just a few of the projects that you can become involved with. Most offer you a thank-you gift of the finished result, and you can follow the project’s progress through updates on Kickstarter.

If you’ve always wanted to be a aptron of the arts, but lacked the depth of pockets to become one, Kickstarter may be the perfect venue to put your money where your heart is.
