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Want to Study Music? Welcome to the Internet…

Back in 1908 when Ford introduced the Model T a lot of blacksmiths saw the writing on the road and became auto mechanics. Perhaps music instructors will need to make a similar adjustment.


If we, the industry of high-performance audio, are to have
future audiophiles, it’s important that they have a gateway to understand
music. With basic music education being cut out of many United States elementary
and junior high-school programs the likelihood that young people will even know
what Beethoven’s 5
th is, let alone being able to hum the opening
bars, is quickly receding into the past.

What’s a culture to do? Well, perhaps there’s an App for that. A company has
begun developing an on-line music instruction application that plans to hire
THOUSANDS of music instructors to work in their on-line music programs. While
few details are currently available, the program will be personalized and interactive,
not merely another vid ported over to the Internet.

LiveMusicTutor.com isn’t
the only or even the first on-line interactive music instruction site. A site
Artistworks, eveloped by David Butler, has been offering one-on-one instruction on drums,
mandolin, guitar, fiddle, dobro, harmonica, banjo, and keyboards for more than
a year. The
instructors at Artistworks include Mike Marshall teaching mandolin, Darol Anger teaching
fiddle, Bryan Sutton teaching flatpicked guitar, Martin Taylor teaching
fingerstyle guitar, and Howard Levy teaching harmonica.

One primary difference between Artistworks and LiveMusicTutor
is that Artistworks has employed only well-known working musicians, while it
seems that LiveMusicTutor is casting a much wider net for teachers. Because
it’s been in operation for several years and has continued to grow and expand, Artistworks
has proven that not only is there a market for quality music instruction via
the Internet, but there are also a plethora of fine players who are also fine music
instructors waiting for a better way to connect with students. Hopefully, the
iPad attached to the Internet will be that way.


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