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My Upcoming Talk at Crescendo Fine Audio

Steven Stone will be doing a presentation in Boulder, Colorado…

Most audiophiles who’ve attended the Rocky Mountain Audio Fest know that the event is staged by an all-volunteer organization, The Colorado Audio Society. But RMAF is not the only event CAS puts on during the year. Almost every month CAS hosts at least one local event. On May 31st, at 4:00 PM, that event will be at Crescendo Fine Audio in Boulder, CO.

AR-crecendo1.jpgMy talk, which will run about an hour and be primarily about live recording and computer audio, will feature high resolution DSD recordings I’ve made of the Boulder Philharmonic Orchestra, The Matt Flinner Trio, Taarka, The New Time Ensemble, and Chris Thile. I’ll also answer questions about computer audio and the “future” of audio in general.

Since Crescendo is a fairly compact facility, CAS has had to limit the maximum attendance to only twenty. So if you haven’t RSVP’d to CAS’s newsletter or email, and plan to attend you should RSVP pronto.

AR-cresc1.jpgAttendees will also have an opportunity to see the Crescendo Fine Audio store and listen to systems in their two demonstration rooms. Talking with co-owner Matt Alderman about my presentation I learned that sometime, later in the summer, Crescendo plans to expand with a location in the Wheatridge, CO, area.

While perhaps not as star-studded as a “Music Matters” affair at Listen Up, I expect that the May 31st CAS meeting at Crescendo Fine Audio should deliver its share of audio thrills and chills, especially the live to DSD recordings made at the historic Salina Schoolhouse and the 96/24 field recordings of Chris Thile’s improvisational workshop from Rockygrass 2012.

So, perhaps I’ll see you next week at Crescendo…
