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First Anniversary Blog

One year ago, on Dec 9th, I posted my first article on Audiophile Review. Since that time I’ve posted over 150 articles covering a variety of audiophile related subjects. I hope that if you like some of my current articles you’ll spend some time looking through Audiophile Review’s back catalog of posts.


For my 1st anniversary article, it only makes sense to write
about what I’ve learned after a year of posting every Monday, Wednesday, and

First thing I’ve learned is coming up with story ideas is
easy, but actually writing them is the hard part. Duh. I usually have between
twenty or thirty story ideas waiting for execution. At the beginning of the
workweek I look at the ideas and figure out which ones will make good articles,
and get down to the task of writing.

Unlike some writers, who can get down to writing at a
moment’s notice, I have to be in the zone. Sometimes I spend hours cleaning,
vacuuming, or puttering around before I settle in to write. But when I do get
into a writing mood, I can usually go for a while before I run out of steam.

Actually, for the first couple of months the biggest
headache of writing for Audiophile Review wasn’t thinking up or writing
stories, but getting the formatting right. I often spent as much time making a
post look good as I did writing it. And finding the right graphic image that I
can use legally can be challenging.

Coming up with the right editorial attitude for Audiophile
Review has been an ongoing process. I wanted a site where I could express
opinions that were not appropriate for my other writing venues. I wanted to be
able to be look at trends and news in a more critical manner than on other
audio sites. Since Audiophile Review was a brand new site, I didn’t have an
already existing editorial philosophy to work into. Instead I’ve tried to
create a site that appeals to both industry insiders as well as consumers just
beginning to explore high-performance audio.

During the coming year I hope to add several new voices to
the editorial mix (interested?) expanding Audiophile Review’s scope and
relevance. Stay tuned, I think you’ll enjoy the ride…
