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Crescendo Fine Audio’s Technics Open House

Steven Stone attends an open house that was fun…

Saturday afternoon I went to an open house at Crescendo Fine Audio at their new location in Wheat Ridge, Colorado. Although Wheat Ridge is in a different town than Denver, it took me less than fifteen minutes to get there from my home in central Denver. The open house featured new products from Technics along with Matt Frazer, Manager of Retail Services for Technics, to answer questions. Active displays included the new SL-1200GAE Turntable, SU-G30 Networking Amplifier, ST-G30 Music Server, SB-C700 linear-phase point-sound-source Loudspeakers, EAH-T700 high resolution Headphones, and the OTTAVA All-In-One Music System.

AR-0Tec1.jpgI spent close to two hours at the new store and I was impressed by its open, airy, and well laid-out interior. With three separate rooms and the option of being able to demonstrate more than ten different systems, the new space was both warm and welcoming. I also noticed Wilson loudspeakers prominently but passively displayed. Crescendo recently added Wilson to their product lines.

Since a picture is still worth 1,000 words of descriptions, here are some images from the Crescendo open house. If you click on all but the first image, they will get big, really big…

