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APR Exclusive: Stereophile, The Absolute Sound, and HiFI+ Merge

Steven Stone leaks a major shake-up in audiophile publishing…

On June 1st the audio world will see a seismic shift in publications. It was officially announced today that Stereophile, The Absolute Sound, and HiFi+ will merge into one publication, tentatively called Stereophile Sound +. The new print publication will headed up by a triumvirate of three editors. John Atkinson will be responsible for all products east of the Mississippi and Japan and Korea, Robert Harley will cover all products west of the Mississippi and China, and Alan Sircom will be responsible for all products from Great Britain, the EU, Russia, and Africa.

AR-merge1.jpgIn a written statement to the press the new publishing entity, called REGURGE INC. confirmed that no one on any of the three editorial staffs will lose their positions. In an effort to spice up the publication several new writers will join the current staff. Among the new contributors will be Kanye West, who will write a monthly column about how to listen to modern pop music, written specifically for white people over the age of 40. Also Anthony Salvatore will be writing a regular feature about why everything will always, always, sound like everything else.

The new publication will be a monthly with two additional bi-annual editions. The first annual edition will be the new Audiophile Bible, which will be a listing and description of every audio product in existence. It will be available in 33 languages and braille. The second yearly publication will be a special edition dedicated exclusively to ads.

AR-merge3.jpgThe new Stereophile Sound + website will feature far more video content, courtesy of Peter Breuninger, whose site, AVShowrooms, has also been acquired and incorporated into REGURGE’s portfolio. Breuninger, who was originally a writer for The Absolute Sound, will also be the editor of the new site. The stated goal of the site according to Breuninger is, “To make sure that visitors never have to read more than three paragraphs of copy before they can watch a video.”

The advertising staff for the new publishing entity will headed up by the Absolute Sound’s advertising rep Marvin Lewis, whose straightforward “Pay Up or Die” sales model proved so effective at The Absolute Sound.

AR-merge2.jpgThe new publishing entity will be moving to it offices to Detroit. Close to all essential services, the new offices on Gratiot Ave and Rosemary Ave are only a short walk away from the many amenities of downtown Detroit. All three editors have pledged to move their homes within a mile of REGURGE’s offices. John Atkinson commented, “It will be a nice change moving from Brooklyn to Detroit. I’m especially looking forward to the educational and cultural advantages it will offer my grandchildren.”


If you haven’t guessed by now – APRIL FOOLS!
