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An Examination Of My New Year’s Resolutions

Paul Wilson looks at his New Year’s resolutions and new musical horizons…

It is now late March and I’ve been thinking about the New Year’s resolutions I made at the beginning of the year. Like a lot of people, I promised myself I would accomplish a specific series of things this year. So far, my track record ranges from not so good to unknown to not so bad.

AR-pF 1 images.jpgAt the beginning of the year I joined the legions of people who vowed to drop a few pounds and get in a little better shape. I had visions of myself of something worthy of the June edition of the fireman’s calendar. As April rolls around lets just say that thus far, no photographer’s have shown up at my door. It’s a little early in the year to know if I’ll make more money than last year so call that one to be determined. Cleaning out the storage room, well, not yet anyway. There are others but they are a work in progress.

One that I have accomplished is expanding my musical horizons. I decided I needed to listen to something more than almost exclusively smooth jazz or the occasional classical or pop selection. Recently, while traveling home from a business trip I decided I would get out some of my older albums that seldom ever get played anymore. Some of those “old” albums from my teenaged years that I once loved.

AR-deep purp.jpgDeep Purple Made In Japan was the first one that came to mind. After pulling it out and cleaning it I was looking very forward to hearing it. I remembered those long ago days how I played the fool think at almost full volume. I also remember driving my parents nuts and Dad yelling “turn that thing down!”

So this day, after being gone for three, as the tonearm slowly lowered I was again a young man. I was centered in the nostalgic memories of what this and the other music of a time gone by meant to me. I remained that way for about five minutes when I could absolutely take no more. Have my musical tastes changed that much?

AR-Prism.jpgI’ll admit that the musical change I had in mind was one of inclusion, not exclusion because I just could not stand more than five minutes of Made In Japan. Whatever fascination it once held had absolutely passed me by. It was time to look elsewhere and that meant something entirely new.

Katy Perry has historically been to me that attractive brunette who wears strange looking costumes and does some pretty bizarre things in the press. How would I have ever known that I really like her album Prism? How would I have ever known that in spite of it all she is a really talented musician with a great voice?

AR1Zac.jpgThe Zac Brown Band is another one that crossed my path. Historically I hated country music. I remember in the 70’s when driving in rural areas it seemed like the only radio stations that came in were country. I rode in silence for hours at a time in those days because I refused to listen to that twangy country sound. Zac Brown is different. Aside from being very talented musicians their music is very enjoyable. The song “Jump Right In” from the album Uncaged is one of my very favorite songs. Call Zac Brown country with a modern twist.

There are, of course, others and I will continue to expand my musical preferences. Smooth jazz will always be my most listened to, most preferred, favorite type of music. But I have grown and I am learning to like other types of music as well.

I guess sometimes making a New Year’s resolution is a good thing. Fireman’s calendar not withstanding.
