
Read blog posts, review commentary and audiophile talk about all things CD and digital on this section page. Looking for reviews of Digital to Analog Converters (D to A), Transports and processors – you got it. Wanna read about jitter, dither and vibration isolation – this is the spot. Looking for conversations about 16 bit 44 kHz sampling rates versus say 24 bit 192 kHz high definition audio, digital audio up-sampling and beyond.
If you didn’t get your fill of audiophile source component and CD-digital reviews on this page check out this audiophile resource at Home Theater Review.

The Digital Music Detective – Case of the Missing Ripped CDs


Steven Stone plays Sherlock Holmes for a day…

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Music Matters Comes to Denver


Steven Stone attends a micro audio show......

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Format Wars II – SACD vs. DVD-Audio


Garry Margolis looks at the ways we have had to access our music... ...

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Format Wars II – SACD vs. DVD-Audio


Garry Margolis looks at the ways we have had to access our music…

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Ripping SACDs Away From Physical Media


Golden Ear Digital - A ripping service that gets all your digital music into the right place... ...

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Why Hi-Res Audio Sounds Better than CD Audio


Garry Margolis looks at digital technolgies......

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MQA Master Streaming On Tidal Rules!


Steven Stone walks you through the new High Rez streaming reality…

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Why Super Audio CD Failed


Garry Margolis looks at A format that did not achieve critical mass......

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Samsung and High End Audio


Paul Wilson examines a newcomer to high performance audio... ...

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Sony’s SenseMe™ – A Superior Smart Shuffle


Steven Stone finds an exceptional computer disk jockey…

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Why We’ll Soon Be Living In A Class D World


Class D audio may be getting the upper-hand in its perennial battle with Class A......

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Formats I’ve Survived or Thank You Sir, May I Have Another?


Steven Stone focuses on the semi-permanence of some formats in his music library......

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Why 44.1/16?


Steven Stone debunks the debunkers of high-resolution audio

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Audio at Native Rate Always Sounds Better (Except When it Doesn’t)


Steven Stone looks at why upsampling can be a good thing for your digital files......

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Hey Kid, Wanna buy a $50 DAC?


Steven Stone finds a DAC that can also record for very little money... ...

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A Sales Lesson from Bose


Paul Wilson discovers how to properly promote an audio product…

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How Compatible is Your Network Attached Storage?


Steven Stone shares some personal NAS drive experiences......

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Apple Messes Up USB 3.0 Audio Big Time


Steven Stone finds the latest Mac OS is not USB DAC-friendly...

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What Makes a Convincing Audio Review?


Steven Stone wonders why reviewers don’t use more robust A/B tests…

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Equalization – Fidelity’s Friend or Foe?


Steven Stone looks at the whether EQ is really such a bad thing... ...

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