
There is no more emotional topic with audiophiles than the sonic characteristics of vinyl. Audiophiles go to the most over-the-top extremes to get the most from their collection of vinyl records. They spend anywhere from hundreds of dollars to hundreds of thousands of dollars on turntables that can deliver the most magical of sound. Critics say that vinyl has a high signal to noise ratio and limited dynamics compared to Compact Discs but it’s hard to argue that the analog sound is alluring, sexy and compelling. Vinyl also is the format that, by far, the most audiophile records are released on. 180 gram and 200 gram analog records provide a fantastic musical experience.

Analog Rules! Sometimes, Always, or Never?


Steven Stone weighs in on his position on analog versus digital…

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The Nostalgia Of A Turntable


Paul Wilson Looks at how turntables have changed...

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Digital or Analog: Which Do You Prefer?


Is analog better than digital? Or vice-versa? Paul Wilson weighs in....

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I’ve Become An Analog Snob… Sort Of


Paul Wilson recounts his recent adventures in analog

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Whatever Happened to FM radio?


Roger Skoff wonders about what used to be a major medium...

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Is It Time To Reconsider Phono Cartridge Design?


Roger Skoff wonders if great new stuff may await us in the not-too-distant future...

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Is It Time To Reconsider Phono Cartridge Design?


Roger Skoff wonders if great new stuff may await us in the not-too-distant future

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Get A Grip


Roger Skoff takes a look at platter mats and record clamps......

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Customer Service and The Music Industry: Don’t Be Bullied


Mark Smotroff got an earful from a rabid record store clerk when returning a brand new but damaged LP and lived to tell the tale......

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Gray Research Tables For Playing Black Discs


Ever Hear of Gray Transcription turntables? Roger Skoff fills in some details…

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Calling a POS a POS


Steven Stone wonders when and how much to push when a friend contemplates buying a sub-par turntable... ...

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What Ever Happened to Progress?


Roger Skoff looks at progress and audio and wonders if we are going forward, backward, or just sideways......

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Pick ‘Em By Color


Roger Skoff shows how he categorizes his record collection…

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Remembering Magic and Thinking of Voodoo


Roger Skoff looks back a several memorably impossible CES demos......

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Roger Skoff looks at manufacturing methods methods for making LPs sound better......

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Is Used Gear Always a Good Value?


Steven Stone looks at whether used gear is the way to go…

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Noise Has Always Been The Enemy


Steven Stone looks at the primary limiting factor in sonic fidelity......

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Master Tapes, Native Rates, and Fidelity

Analog • 5 Comments

How close can we get to the sound of the original musical event? Only the master knows......

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Part 4 of the mono series – How to totally blow your image!


Here’s the final installment of a four-part series by Roger Skoff – And now, the latest and greatest thing yet… Mono…

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Part 3 of the Mono Series – No half-dollar? Need to make change?


Here's the third of a four-part series by Roger Skoff - And now, the latest and greatest thing yet... Mono......

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