Written by 11:18 pm Audiophile Music

Is Your Music in the Background or Foreground?

When and how do you listen to music? Steven Stone looks at why and how many humans use music, and why how you listen may determine what you get out of it. Multi-tasking may be the next wave in human productivity, but it’s not conducive serious musical listening…

AR-ecstacy3.jpgFor most humans, most of the time, music is merely the
soundtrack for their lives – predictable background melodies and choruses
designed to fill up the uncomfortable silences. So what makes audiophiles
different? They put music and the act of listening to music as something worthy
of their entire attention.

In this age of multi-tasking I wonder if younger humans do find
it harder to sit in one spot and “only” listen to music? None of the teenagers
I’ve had in my home do only one thing at a time, except for reading, and even
then it’s usually reading AND background music and or video.

Personally, I find it easier to concentrate on one thing as I’ve
gotten older, so maybe it’s an age thing…but if a stereo can’t grab my
attention to the point of only doing one thing – listening to music through it,
then hasn’t done it’s job.

So my question for this bright and clear Monday morning is
simple – how much time do you spend “just” listening to music?

I do most of my listening on my desktop stereo rather than
either of my two room-based systems. Why? Because I spend far more time working
at my desktop, and while I’m working I often get dragged away by the music
playing there.

The late Harvey Rosenberg coined the phrase “musical ecstasy”
to describe that moment when the music captures your consciousness. And, if you
want to experience this altered state I firmly believe that you can’t do it while texting… 

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