Written by 1:35 am Audiophile Music

Do Record Labels Matter?

RCA, Epic, RSO, IRS, London, DG, EMI, Motown, Pye…Except for Motown, which has a clear identity, would you buy an album because it was on a particular label? I suspect not. The days of labels as brands that mattered are over…

AR-label1.jpegIf you tune into the Grammys, or any other music award show,
you might think that “major labels” still have some purpose and power in the
world. But except for these last bastions of dinosaur power, record labels have
become largely irrelevant.

In the past a record company could deliver product and fans
along with the airplay necessary to generate fans that create the demand that
moves product. Nowadays, nearly everything that a record label would do can be
done independently.

Need production? Nearly every city has some recording and
production facilities capable of producing quality recordings. Back in the
Beatles heyday the number of world-class recording studios could be counted on
two hands. Now for under $50k US anyone can assemble the tools for a top-flight
multi-channel DIY recording set-up.

Need distribution? Amazon, CD baby, the iTunes store, or an
independent website can make anyone’s release available to the public. And
while sites can give releases more exposure by putting them on the opening home
page, that’s not quite the same as that big display right by the cash register…

How about promotion? I receive new releases on a regular basis
from independent PR firms who can be hired by the month by independent artists
for projects. I receive the same level of service and response to queries from
these agencies as from the major labels. Often independent PR firms are more
proactive – suggesting interview directions and story ideas, than major label
PR firms.

So why go with a major label? The only thing that major labels
CAN do better than independents is block-vote during awards season. Block
voting, for the uninitiated, is the act of “strongly suggesting” how all their
employees should fill out their awards votes. That’s one of the main reasons
that you continue to see major label artists winning awards.

So, my advice to budding young musicians is simple. Unless you
have an overwhelming desire to win music awards, go independent.

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