High End Audio

Embry-Monic Journey : Music, Money & The Mono Muse

Audiophile Music, Audiophile, Audiophile News, High End Audio, News, Vinyl

Mark Smotroff offers a practical reason for investing in a Mono cartridge…

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Are Resonances and Vibrations Your Problems?

High End Audio

Steven Stone looks at devices that reduce resonances in audio gear......

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Horns and Audio History – Part 6

High End Audio

Roger Skoff writes Part 6 of his continuing series about how it used to be; why it was like that; and what it means today...

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Horns and Audio History – Part 6

High End Audio

Roger Skoff writes Part 6 of his continuing series about how it used to be;
why it was like that; and what it means today

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Should Audio Gear Be Heard and Not Seen?

High End Audio

Steven Stone wonders whether bigger is always better......

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Do You Want Your Audio System to Sound Better? Start Over.

High End Audio

Steven Stone looks at a free tweak that will remove the cobwebs from any system......

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A New Inverse Square Rule?

High End Audio

Roger Skoff writes Part 1 (of 3) about buying hi-fi and what you pay for it.

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A New Inverse Square Rule?

High End Audio

Roger Skoff writes Part 1 (of 3) about buying hi-fi and what you pay for it....

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How to Serve Raw Frog

High End Audio

Roger Skoff takes a look at why Hi-Fi is declining and why so few of us care......

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In Search of Perfection?

High End Audio

Roger Skoff Looks at the concept of perfect audio…

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Prove It

High End Audio

Steven Stone looks at the issue of who's opinions are believable......

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The Ahh Factor

High End Audio

How can you tell when a stereo system is good? Sometimes it's all about how it makes you feel......

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On Quality

High End Audio

Roger Skoff looks at what makes a “Quality” audio product…

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Classics and Classicness

High End Audio

Roger Skoff looks at what makes a "Classic"......

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“Black” and “White” Are The Only Things That Are Truly Black and White

High End Audio • 3 Comments

Roger Skoff Looks at audio criticism and finds too many extremes......

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Ethics And The Audiophile Press

High End Audio • 18 Comments

Roger Skoff looks at some ethical issues facing the audiophile press…

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What is the sound of one hand clapping?

High End Audio

Roger Skoff delves into what you can and can't find out from swapping components......

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The High End is a Ramjet

High End Audio • 7 Comments

Roger Skoff looks at the high-end audio pricing and finds price escalation as an essential part of the business....

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Fakes in Vintage Audio

High End Audio

Have you ever seen an intentionally forged or counterfit piece of collectable vintage audio gear? Steven Stone hasn’t, but he’s still looking…

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Fakes in Vintage Audio

High End Audio

Have you ever seen an intentionally forged or counterfit piece of collectable vintage audio gear? Steven Stone hasn't, but he's still...

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