
Cables touch on the true passion of the audiophile hobby. Priced from under $100 to well over $10,000 for a single cable – connecting your system with just the right cable is an art form practiced by nearly every audiophile.

Mired In More Metal Madness


Roger Skoff posts Part 7 of his occasional series on weird things about cables

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What We Don’t Talk About When We Talk About Cables


Brent Butterworth tells the story of a pair of audio cables that's older than Justin Bieber....

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The Telephone is a Lie!


Roger Skoff proves beyond a doubt that it's all snake oil and voodoo...

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The Telephone is a Lie!


Roger Skoff proves beyond a doubt that it’s all snake oil and voodoo

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More Mystifying Metal Madness


Roger Skoff posts Part 6 of his occasional series on weird things about cables...

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A New Twist on Copper?


Roger Skoff posts Part 6 of his occasional series on weird things about cables...

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It’s Not All That Simple


Roger Skoff agrees that it’s all R, C, L and ZO … except that…

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Using Cables to Tune a System

Audiophile, Cables

Paul Wilson examines the practice of "fine tuning" your system's sound with different cables...

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Using Cables to Tune a System

Audiophile, Cables

Paul Wilson examines the practice of "fine tuning" your system's sound with different cables...

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Choosing a Metal of Mettle

Audiophile, Cables

Roger Skoff posts Part 5 of his occasional series on weird things about cables

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Meddling (or Metaling) With Cable Design

Audiophile, Cables

Roger Skoff ponders the importance (or lack thereof) of six-nines copper in cable design....

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What’s Your Favorite Sonic Coloration?


Roger Skoff starts a possible series on weird stuff about cables...

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What’s Your Favorite Sonic Coloration?


Roger Skoff starts a possible series on weird stuff about cables

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Hey, Man, Gimme some Skin Effect!


Roger Skoff Takes A Look at "Skin-effect" and High-End Cables...

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Cable, Lots of Cable


Steven Stone looks at 30 years worth of cable......

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Are You Ready For Wireless High End?


Paul Wilson looks at whether it’s prime time yet for wireless high-performance audio…

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Are You Ready For Wireless High End?


Paul Wilson looks at whether it's prime time yet for wireless high-performance audio......

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The Very Best Cables Part 2


Roger Skoff, still unabashed Cable Designer, tells the rest of his tale of the "best" cables!...

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The Very Best Cables Part 2


Roger Skoff, still unabashed Cable Designer, tells the rest of his tale of the “best” cables!

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The Very Best Cables – Part One


Roger Skoff, an admitted Cable Designer, tells all!...

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