It’s the time of year for saving money!
Andrew Robinson spends his days (and many nights) as a brand manager for numerous tech and creative companies the world over. He founded the boutique, Austin-based advertising and branding firm, Robinson Creative in 2017 after spending nearly 15 years in advertising as a creative director working in Los Angeles. His passion however is music and movies, and his advertising work has taken him behind the camera as a director and director of photography for several commercial and online spots over the years.
Andrew’s audiophile interests have run the gamut from the ultra high-end to experiments in professional mastering equipment for home use, there is no genre or concept he isn’t willing to explore. Though, when you get right down to it, Andrew prefers his systems to be simple, easy to use, and no bullshit. No doubt why he’s cashed in his seven foot tall rack of separate components for a simple, 2.1 channel listening setup that revolves around a steady stream of small to large monitor loudspeakers, integrated amplifiers (or simple separates) and a collection of vintage turntables from the likes of Bang & Olufsen.
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