How I would Budget $10,000 for a Stereo system
Steven Stone explains how he would allocate money for a system…
4 Acoustic Myths That Should Go Into the Garbage Can
Dennis Foley explains why certain common beliefs about room acoustics are dead wrong.
How to Match Your Room Size to Your Ideal Listening Volume Level
Dennis Foley explains how to figure out what size of system will work for your room … and what size room will work for your system.
Waves In Our Living-Listening Rooms
Dennis Foley explains how sound waves can interact with room dimensions to degrade your system’s sound.
6 “Do’s” When Setting Up Your Hi-Fi System
Our two-channel systems can create magic in our homes. They can generate a soundstage that has width, height and even depth. They can also show a separation and layering to all the sounds in a mix and connect with our…
IsoAcoustics Speaker Stands
Steven Stone looks at a desktop speaker set-up solution
What Gets You More? $10,000 On the System Or A Few Bucks and Some Time Spent On Your Room?
Roger Skoff has some thoughts on spending money